UAB „Ruptela“ is currently implementing a project funded by the European Union “Certification of products planned for export to promote internationalisation of the company” No 03.2.1-LVPA-K-802-04-0019 (hereinafter – the Project). The company, which has been operating since 2007, is involved in transport management solutions – from software development and equipment manufacturing to the development and implementation of unique solutions. The company develops and manufactures all parts of the solution by itself, thus, it ensures the highest quality and best results. The company sells its products on both local and international markets. Currently, the company offers its products in more than 127 countries. It‘s end customers are hauliers, rental companies and other service providers, however, its direct customers are the solution providers for transporters.
In order to fully exploit its potential and to introduce its new products to foreign markets, UAB „Ruptela“ has initiated a project to promote the company’s internationalisation and expansion into foreign markets by certifying and registering the company’s transport management solutions: FTx-LTM-NA-BT, FTx-LTE-NA-BT-WiFi, HCV5-Lite-LTE-EMEA, Pro5-Lite-LTE-LA, HCV5-Lite-LTM, Pro5-Lite-LTM, Track5. The products developed by the company and certified under this project are innovative and of high quality, and are therefore highly appreciated by foreign customers. The products to be exported by the company use wireless radio electronics which must be certified in accordance with the legislation in force in that country. Different quality, environmental and serviceability requirements are applied to these devices in different countries or continents of the world: the USA and Canada, as well as Europe. Therefore, without certification, the company’s products cannot be exported to such countries. By obtaining the necessary certifications, the company will diversify its export markets, expand its trade and reduce the risks arising from the implementation of its export expansion plans internationally.
This Project is partly financed by the European Regional Development Fund under the European Union Funds Investment Operational Programme 2014-2020 Priority 3 “Promoting the Competitiveness of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises” No. 03.2.1-LVPA-K-802 under the measure ” Expo sertifikatas LT “. The total value of the project is 147,981.68 EUR, where 73,990.84 EUR is a grant from the European Union and 73,990.84 EUR is the company’s own contribution. The project activities started on 2 September 2022 and will end on 30 June 2023.