Most of us are familiar with internet scams and can quickly identify real thing from a fraud. However, one type of internet fraud called phishing sometimes is very hard to recognize. Here is how to tell if the email is scam and what to look for in genuine emails from Ruptela.
Phishing is the fraudulent attempt to obtain private or confidential information such as usernames, passwords, account or credit card details by disguising oneself and pretending to be an established legitimate company. It is the act of sending an email with a goal to get sensitive information by pretending to be someone the recipient might know.
The best defence against phishing attacks is to block malicious emails before they reach users. Unfortunately, no matter what companies do, some phishing emails will always make it to the inbox. And those emails are extremely effective.
Here is how to identify if the email is real or a scam.
Email address and sender name
Look twice not only at senders’ name but look closely at email address – look for spelling mistakes or for letters with changed places (e.g. Rutpela looks very similar to Ruptela). Watch out for unknown or odd email addresses – it is always best to check with your current contact at the company.
Look but don‘t click
Phishing emails lure you into clicking on an attachment or a link, which opens a way for malware into your computer. It is always tempting to open similar attachments because fraudsters try to trick you by using your emotions.
Content logic, context and spelling
Look at the content of the email – spelling mistakes, bad grammar, missing punctuation marks, does it sound strange or different. Some phishing emails pass the mentioned points by crafting professional emails at which case it is best to check with your company representative.
Look for urgency and threatening
Such emails usually use urgent and threatening language. They try to scare you with a simple formula “if you don’t do something very fast, something really bad is going to happen”.
Never provide confidential and private information
Companies already have the information they need from you and usually, don’t ask to “update” it. Or if they do ask to update sensitive information – always check with your contact at the company.
Ruptela company does not request your financial or other sensitive information via generic emails (such as [email protected], [email protected] or others).
Ruptela does not send links or attachments asking to provide confidential information (such as passwords, credit card information, credit scores, tax number or other).
Ruptela has its domain, however email scammers can create the same domain as ours. Check more emails in cc or bcc sections and note if there are any additional domains, that are not connected to Ruptela. If you decide to Reply the e-mail, check To section if it corresponds the original address. Usually scam e-mail address change to different when you reply.
Email from Ruptela will always be grammatically correct and well written. If you think that sentences are illogical or not correct, there is a chance that it was sent not from our company.
If we announce any important changes (e.g. address, bank account, etc.), it’s always done through multiple channels. Our valid legal data can always be checked at
Finally, and most importantly – if you are suspicious or have any doubts about the email received from Ruptela always feel free to check with your contact person at Ruptela.