Eco-Drive Solution

Key values

Enhance business risk management by monitoring driving conduct.

Evaluate and contrast driver performance to pinpoint areas for enhancement.

Leverage our versatile solution to gather data from all vehicle brands.

Educate drivers to lower fuel expenses and reduce vehicle wear and tear.

Eco-Drive Insights

Select from a comprehensive list of 90 available parameters to closely monitor and analyze Eco-Drive outcomes, encompassing aspects such as fuel efficiency and safe driving:

Average speedFuel consumptionMaximum RPM rev/minute
Cruise control use % of availableFuel consumedMaximum speed
Dangerous driving point rateFuel wastedNormal braking event rate
Dangerous driving pointsFuel wasting rateNormal braking events
Driven distanceHarsh acceleration event rateOverspeeding % of driving time
Driving timeHarsh acceleration eventsOverspeeding duration
Excessive idling %Harsh braking event rateRPM in the red band of driving time
Extreme braking event rateHarsh braking eventsWasted fuel % of fuel consumed
Extreme braking eventsIdling duration
Optimize fuel consumption

Educate drivers to lower fuel expenses and reduce vehicle wear and tear.

Learn how employee driving style should change to drive the most economically. Benefit from reduced fuel consumption and optimized overall vehicle wear and tear, including tires. Minimize your impact on the environment by lowering unnecessary CO2 emissions. Be precise about the average weight of the vehicle and cargo for the best fuel consumption and driver performance evaluation.

Improved fleet safety

Enhance business risk management by monitoring driving conduct.

Prioritizing safety bolsters your company’s standing as a dependable and responsible partner. Elevate fleet safety measures to safeguard both driver and cargo, ensuring a secure arrival at the destination. By meticulously tracking driving behavior, particularly concerning extreme braking, overspeeding, harsh braking, and extreme acceleration events along the route, you can effectively reduce the risk of accidents on the road.

Driver ranking and motivation

Evaluate and contrast driver performance to pinpoint areas for enhancement.

Motivating drivers for personal improvement has never been that easy. Use driver behavior information to set up internal education and motivation systems for drivers to accelerate their interest in improved fleet performance. Recognize and reward drivers with the highest scores to keep them motivated!

Broad vehicle coverage

Leverage our versatile solution to gather data from all vehicle brands.

Even if your fleet comprises vehicles from various manufacturers, our Eco-Drive solution seamlessly integrates data from diverse car brands, offering accurate and unbiased performance metrics for efficient and objective comparisons. Customize your selection of vehicles, drivers, and parameters to receive tailored analyses and performance tracking that align with your specific business requirements.

Compatible Accessories
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